CFO On Demand Services

CFO On Demand by FBK

All of the CFO Resources
& Thinking…

Without the Full-Time Costs



CFO On Demand is an in-person, outsourced service to support small and medium-sized enterprises that need an experienced financial professional for assistance in making timely and critical decisions based on financial analysis, industry knowledge and experience without the cost of additional staff.

CFO On Demand is designed to help the business owner stay focused on growing the company by saving them decision-making time and lessening uncertainty. We provide a financial discipline that supports the company’s existing accounting department — all for a set reasonable, monthly fee.

Go from working IN your business to working ON your business with the help of our CFO services:

Accounting Operations

  • Improve Accounting Processes
  • More Accurate / Timely / Automated Reporting
  • Retrain / Develop Internal Accounting Staff
  • COVID-19 Assistance
    • Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)
    • Disaster Recovery Loan Assistance
    • SBA Loan Application Assistance
    • Cash Flow forecasting

Business Analysis

  • Develop and Maintain Business Analytics combining the Accounting / POS / ERP Systems
  • Generate Customized Dashboards and KPI
  • Utilize the Latest AI Tools

Monthly Business Reviews

  • Facilitate Monthly Business Review Meetings
  • Review Financial Reports, Benchmarks, and Business Analytics
  • Maintain Outside Business Relationships
  • Provide Owners & Management with Ongoing Options to Make the Best Operational and Financial Decisions

Business Process Assessment (BPA)

It all starts with our Business Process Assessment.  We meet with the owners to understand your business including accounting processes, reporting needs, pain points, and Accounting / POS / ERP system capabilities.

At the end of our Business Process Assessment, we provide a summary of our findings with recommendations along with a comparison of your company’s financials to key industry benchmarks.

The Business Process Assessment is free (a $1,500 value) and will provide an action plan upon which we can start our CFO on Demand services.  Get started by filling out the form or calling us at 609-653-0110.


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